Topic: Mdb-Select generates a "no unique name or id" issue

norbertbede premium asked 1 year ago

Reportring an issue with the mdb-select component

Use case

Implementing mdb-select exactly according to the documentation: into my web page.


Looking into the Issues tab of the chrome inspect tool everywhere I use this component on the site, I see the following issue/warning message: A form field element should have an id or name attribute (see: screenshot below)

If I look up my select component with the inspect tool, in the HTML I see that the element generated inside the tag does not have an id nor a name.

This issue is reproducible directly on the documentation page (link above).

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

enter image description here

In v6.0.0 we added new inputId and inputFilterId inputs that allow to define id for component internal input elements.

Rafał Seifert free answered 1 year ago

We don't manage the id or name attribute of the input element. To fix that we will have to think of a solution, propably in the form of inputs for mdb-select component. As a workaround you can grab the input element and dynamically set a value in component's class. Here is an example. And in label element just set the for attribute to the same value.

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
const select = document.querySelector('mdb-select');
const selectInput = select.querySelector('input'); = 'exampleId';


    <mdb-option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option.value">{{
  <label mdbLabel class="form-label" for="exampleId">Example label</label>

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Premium
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: MDB5 5.2.0
  • Device: Apple Intel MacMini
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • OS: MacOs
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes