Topic: mdb-auto-completer - loading my modal twice

gauravrkc90 free asked 6 years ago

Adding mdb-auto-completer in the modal, when i open a modal, it open twice (one top of another).

    <mdb-auto-completer #auto="mdbAutoCompleter" textNoResults="I have found no results :(">
      <mdb-option *ngFor="let option of results | async" [value]="option">

if comment this part, my modal works fine.

Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Dear guaravrkc90,

Could you please provide me with the reproduction steps, how can I reproduce your problem?

I have modal, with an autocomplete in it, and if I open modal and autocomplete, there's no problem which you're describing.

Best Regards,


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: 7.0.0
  • Device: laptop
  • Browser: chrome
  • OS: windows
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No