Topic: MDB Angular Boilerplate & cloud firestore
asked 5 years ago
Can i use cloud firestore as Database for MDB Angular Boilerplate?
willy Oliver
answered 5 years ago
Seria muy bueno que actualicen el MDB Angular Boilerplate y se use cloud firestore.Pues ya no es Beta.
Agradecería, lo puedan considerar
Bartosz Termena staff commented 5 years ago
Hi! We will definitely think about creating such a boilerplate, which uses Cloud Firestore.We will inform you about it. For the future - please use English :)
Best Regards, Bartosz.
willy Oliver free commented 5 years ago
Disculpen la insistencia. Aún no hay alguna implementación de MDB Angular Boilerplate con Firestore ??
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
Please add your questions in English.
willy Oliver free commented 5 years ago
5 months ago we were told if a Boilerplate would be created that uses fierestore. Is there anything new with this ??
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
This is still on our nice-to-have list, but currently we have many tasks with higher priority.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 5 years ago
Our boilerplate is prepared specifically for real time database. You can always switch to Firestore, but you would need to create new data model in the database and update query methods in the services.
We don't recommend this change, because we currently cannot support both database types.
answered 5 years ago
I asked because i seen your docs not really updated and not talking about two Firebase types
Damian Gemza
answered 5 years ago
Dear @blondie63
Yes, why not? You can use any database which fits your needs.
But remember to configure the Firebase connection in your project.
Best Regards,
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- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: 7.5.4
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- OS: osx
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