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Topic: Material Select not woking

Arturo Macías priority asked 7 years ago

Hi, i have just update MDB Angular pro to version 4.3.0 and change old ng-select to mdb-ng-select but it's not working. I have in template:
<div class="md-form form-sm">
    <i class="fa fa-venus-mars prefix"></i>
    <mdb-ng-select name="sexo" [options]="genderOptions" id="gender" placeholder="Selecciona el sexo" [(ngModel)]="patient.sexo" ></mdb-ng-select>
    <!--<small class="text-danger">error</small>-->
And in component, i load options this way:
ngOnInit() {
    this.genderOptions = [
        { value: 'HOMBRE', label: 'Hombre' },
        { value: 'MUJER', label: 'Mujer' }
But when i inspect page code, i see this tag:
<mdb-ng-select _ngcontent-c2="" id="gender" name="sexo" placeholder="Selecciona el sexo" ng-reflect-options="[object Object],[object Object" ng-reflect-placeholder="Selecciona el sexo" ng-reflect-name="sexo" ng-reflect-model="MUJER" class="ng-untouched ng-valid ng-dirty"><!--bindings={
"ng-reflect-ng-if": "false"
<div class="below" ng-reflect-ng-class="[object Object]" tabindex="0">

"ng-reflect-ng-if": "true"
}--><div class="single">
"ng-reflect-ng-if": "true"
}--><div class="value">
"ng-reflect-ng-if": "false"
"ng-reflect-ng-if": "false"
"ng-reflect-ng-if": "false"
"ng-reflect-ng-if": "true"
}--><div class="toggle">

"ng-reflect-ng-if": "false"

"ng-reflect-ng-if": "false"
The select is not rendered and only one option is loaded. It seems i have forgotten something during update. I only have changed typescripts folder for pro download package. Any Idea?

Arturo Macías priority answered 7 years ago

I have declare genderOptions that way and update with versión 4.3.1, but selects are still not working...

Arturo Macías priority commented 7 years ago

Ok, i have found the problem, i hadn't imported updated scss folders. It's working again! Thanks!

Magdalena Obalska free answered 7 years ago

Hi, at first, remember to declare genderOptions like this: genderOptions: Array<any>;. You can download the new package from your profile and compare it to your updated version. In case of problems, contact us again.

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
  • Browser: -
  • OS: -
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No