Topic: Error: Can\'t bind to \'fixed\' since it isn\'t a known property of \'mdb-side-nav\'
asked 6 years ago
I'm trying to use Double Navigation with fixed Navbar.
Please tell me what I do wrong?
I've had the error: Can't bind to 'fixed' since it isn't a known property of 'mdb-side-nav'
there is the screenshot
there is the app.module
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA} from '@angular/core'; import { MDBBootstrapModulesPro, MDBSpinningPreloader } from './../lib/ng-uikit-pro-standard'; import { SidenavModule, NavbarModule, WavesModule, AccordionModule } from './../lib/ng-uikit-pro-standard'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; import { ConfigService } from "./shared/services/"; import {AuthService} from "./shared/services/auth.service"; import {AppRoutingModule} from "./app-routing.modules"; import {AuthModule} from "./auth/auth.module"; import {SystemModule} from "./system/system.module"; import {BaseApi} from "./shared/core/base-api"; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, ], imports: [ AppRoutingModule, AuthModule, SystemModule, BrowserModule, FormsModule, MDBBootstrapModulesPro.forRoot(), BrowserAnimationsModule ], providers: [ MDBSpinningPreloader, SidenavModule, NavbarModule, WavesModule, AccordionModule, ConfigService, AuthService, BaseApi, ], bootstrap: [AppComponent], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export class AppModule { }
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Damian Gemza
answered 6 years ago
Dear Sheyko,
First of all - you DON'T NEED to import MDBBootstrapModulesPro module and again every module which your app uses. Please remove unnecessary imports, because maybe that's the case.
Secondly - could you please provide me with the code which you're using in your app? I mean the code of double navbar - which produces you those errors.
Without more informations, I won't be able to help you well.
Best Regards,
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- Technology: MDB Angular
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- Device: PC
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: Windows
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