Topic: Documentation Search - When in Angular the search result is displayed for plain bootstrap version
asked 7 years ago
Congratulations on your documentation - it is pretty easy to get started with your components!
It is just a little annoying that the search results always redirect to the plain boostrap version - even when I am on the Angular documentation page.
Steps to reproduce:
- goto:
- type "modal" into search
- click the fitting search result
- you end up at the documentation for the javascript component, not tne angular component.
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Alan Mroczek
answered 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for reporting this issue. I've forwarded your issue with a search to the team that maintains our page. With circular dependencies I know, that sometimes this issue appears. I will be thankful if you can provide an example. Production build won't work with AOT for now, if you disable it, it should work fine, however, I'm aware that it should be fixed, and it will, in next release.
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- Provided sample code: No
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