Topic: CSS animation Unavailable in Angular ? How to use "WOW" in Angular

Nguyễn Minh Chí free asked 7 years ago

I copied the same code in the section intros , but when I was running the code, it hadn't happened the same in the example, So Can you please check it for me, And Show me how to use " new Wow().init() I don't understand it . Thank you

Damian Gemza staff answered 7 years ago

Hello, Please add those lines in your index.html file:
<script src=""></script>



Now WOW Animations should works fine.
Best Regards,

Nguyễn Minh Chí free commented 7 years ago

Thank Sir, it works now , Can you please answer for me other question :D , that I run code the same but the line " .top-nav-collapse { background-color: #424f95 !important; } .navbar:not(.top-nav-collapse) { background: transparent !important; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .navbar:not(.top-nav-collapse) { background: #424f95 !important; } } Not run and when I make it small than: 768px, it's not scrolling like the example. Can you help me solve this issue, THank you :D

Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago

Did you copied right example? For fixed navbar? If yes, please copy this code to your global stylesheet named styles.scss located in root/src directory. Best Regards, Damian

Nguyễn Minh Chí free commented 7 years ago

It Works, But can you explain for me that Why it's not run in app.component.scss :P, and When will it work ?? Thank you :D

Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago

it's caused by Angular itself. Global stylesheet is loaded at the end of whole .scss files, and he has the biggest priority in implementing styles by browser. You can read more about this on Internet. Best Regards, Damian

MyCodeVibes free commented 7 years ago

Thank you this is what I was looking for. Why is this not in the documentation?

Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago

MyCodeVibes, We will add this to our docs in next release. Best Regards, Damian

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