Topic: [CHARTS] Point Style only shows 'circle'
asked 6 years ago
I've successfully made a Line Chart using the pointStyle 'rectRounded' but when I attempt to do the same for the Doughnut Chart it only gives me the circle style and I can't seem to alter it.
public chartLabelsDoughnut: Array<any> = ['Client1','Client2','Client3'];
public chartOptionsDoughnut: any = {
responsive: true,
legend: {
position: 'left',
labels: {
usePointStyle: true
public chartDatasetsDoughnut: Array<any> = [{data: [78, 16, 6], pointStyle: 'rectRounded'}];
// html
<div class="d-block" style="height: 400px; max-height: 100%;">
<canvas mdbChart [chartType]="chartDoughnutType" [datasets]="chartDatasetsDoughnut" [labels]="chartLabelsDoughnut" [colors]="chartColorsDoughnut" [options]="chartOptionsDoughnut" [legend]="true">
Damian Gemza
answered 6 years ago
Dear @nichharp
It seems that Angular chart.js directive supports pointStyle only for charts like: Bar, horizontalBar, line. Radat, doughnut, and pie do not support pointStyle option.
We'll take a closer look at this, but I cannot provide you with some ETA on a fix, or even with some information if this is a bug or correct behavior.
Best Regards,
nichharp pro commented 6 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.
How will I be able to know when this is fixed/implemented?
Damian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
@nichharp You have to watch for changes in our changelog. Please subscribe to the Angular newsletter, and you'll get appropriate info on your mail.
Best Regards,
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