Topic: Can't set skin
asked 6 years ago
I can't seem to set the custom skin to my angular application. I followed the steps described here:
And added the custom styles to my styles.scss file and added class="test-skin" to the body in index.html file, but I still see the old skin.
Can I even use my custom skins in free version of mdbootstrap?
Damian Gemza
answered 6 years ago
Dear @rogerg93
The custom skin will work if you'll import some MDB scss files.
Please define your custom skin, and after it, you have to import the below files from our MDB Angular directory.
@import "~ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/core/colors";
@import "~ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/core/variables";
@import "~ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/pro/variables";
@import "~ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/core/mixins";
@import "~ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/pro/skins";
After creating your custom skin you have to add class="test-skin" or another skin name which have you defined to the index.html body element.
If you have followed those steps, and even now custom skin is not working for you, please provide me with the code of those files: package.json, angular.json, styles.scss, index.html.
Best Regards,
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 6 years ago
Dear rogerg93,
Skins are available only in pro version.
rogerg93 free commented 6 years ago
The ones included in the pro version yes, but what about if I want to override the colors or create my own custom skin? What should I do then? Basically what I would like is to override the default colors. There is a _custom-skin.scss file in node_modules but it's no included anywhere and also nothing happens if I change the content in it.
And and by the way I can override the variables file but this is not what I want to achieve. When using this package in my project I would like to change the theme by changing the colors in a mixin of some sort
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