Topic: Buttons-colors-map has Secondary Color Hardcoded (#e3ebf7)
asked 1 year ago
Expected behavior
( 'secondary': ( 'background-color': $secondary, 'text-color': $secondary, 'shadow-color': $secondary, ),
Actual behavior
'secondary': ( 'background-color': #e3ebf7, 'text-color': #285192, 'shadow-color': #e3ebf7, ),
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
// scss-docs-start buttons-colors-map
$buttons: () !default;
$buttons: map-merge(
'primary': (
'background-color': $primary,
'text-color': $white,
'shadow-color': $primary,
'secondary': (
'background-color': #e3ebf7,
'text-color': #285192,
'shadow-color': #e3ebf7,
'success': (
'background-color': $success,
'text-color': $white,
'shadow-color': $success,
My assumption is the secondary should be defined by variable as others like primary etc. WDYT ? norbert
Rafał Seifert
answered 1 year ago
It's a bug on our side. We have already fix for it and it is going to be included in the next release.
norbertbede premium commented 1 year ago
thanks. when we can await it approximately ?
Rafał Seifert free commented 1 year ago
The issue you've highlighted is linked to a comprehensive theming update that is currently in progress. At this moment, we have not established a definitive timeline for its completion. I apologize for misinformation in the last message.
norbertbede premium commented 3 months ago
hi. my developer reporting me this issue again. can you check this was fixed or not ? This is 1 year old issue.
norbertbede premium commented 3 months ago
our version ## 7.0.0 (16.09.2024)
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 3 months ago
This was supposed to be fixed as part of the changes to the entire theming system rebuild. Unfortunately these changes require much more time than we originally planned and were not released as part of the last major update.
norbertbede premium commented 2 months ago
Hi, Arkadiusz.
i know what you answer, not ETA. but wondering what is the approx. timeframe 1m 3m 6m 1y ?
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 2 months ago
We don't know the exact date yet, but we plan to release a new major version in February/March.
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