Topic: Dumb Question please help: big bundle Template packs with angular

nate pro asked 7 years ago

Thinking of getting the big bundle, im guessing all the templates are just scss.

how difficult would it be to use it with mdb angular, like getting setup i understand that i would need to use angular components where applicable wondering if Id loose any functionality that the template packs have?

Dawid Adach pro answered 7 years ago

Dear machiinate, SCSS (CSS) files are same in all versions (jQuery, Angular, React & Vue) therefore it should be fairly easy to adjust jQuery templates to use with Angular. The issue might occur with more advanced JS functions. Angular is jQuery free therefore all the functions were recreated in plain TypeScript therefore you will have to replace jQ with MDB Angular components, but still this is doable.

nate pro commented 7 years ago

Okay thanks dawid, to help me make an informed decision are you planning to release angular versions of the template packs in the near future; If that's the case would i have to buy them again for the angular version?

Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago

machiinate , to be honest currently we do not plan to release more templates for Angular except for existing Admin template. Blog or Landing pages are not "typical" case for Angular , however if we will receive more request from our customers we might consider to create them in a future.

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  • ForumUser: Pro
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  • Technology: MDB Angular
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