Topic: Attach Tooltips to agm markers
iomote pro asked 6 years ago
<agm-map #mainMap [latitude]="" [longitude]="map.lng" > <agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of markers; let i = index" [latitude]="" [longitude]="marker.lng" label="" [title]="marker.label" [iconUrl]="marker.markerUrlAsset" (mouseOver)="mouseMarkerOver(marker, i, $event)" (mouseOut)="mouseMarkerOut($event)" (markerClick)="markerClicked(marker, i, $event)" placement="top" [mdbTooltip]="'Marker label:'+marker.label" triggers="mouseenter:click" > <!-- Commented to avoid to show infoWindow on marker click!!! <agm-info-window> </agm-info-window> --> </agm-marker> </agm-map>
Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago
iomote pro commented 6 years ago
Ok... I'll try to find a workaround. Actually I'm looking for agm-snazzy-info-window, and it seems to be the right component to have such feature.FREE CONSULTATION
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