Topic: Angular Material Design for Bootstrap Pro Custom Skins & CSS class overide & Gitlab Access
surabathula karthik
asked 6 years ago
How do we edit existing css class, could you please provide information on how to do it.
I am trying to edit "light-blue-skin" to different color which suits the project, i tried to search but i could not find any.
<body class="light-blue-skin">
I there any documentation for Bootstap, i am finding it hard to use the existing components as i am learner with mdbootstrap.
Please help me.
Hope you can understand.
Thanks & Regards,
Karthik S
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Damian Gemza
answered 6 years ago
Dear surabathula karthik,
You can achieve your desired behavior by overwriting the light-blue skin in your styles.scss stylesheet.
Copy the below code into your styles.scss, and change every variable to your desired values.
After importing ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/mdb file, please copy the img and fonts folders from ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets to level above styles.scss file. So if your styles.scss file is located in the src directory, paste the img and fonts folders to the root directory of your app.
Best Regards,
$skins: () !default; $skins: map-merge(( "light-blue": ( "skin-primary-color": #fff, "skin-navbar": #fff, "skin-footer-color": #fff, "skin-accent": #fff, "skin-flat": #fff, "skin-sidenav-item": #fff, "skin-sidenav-item-hover": #fff, "skin-gradient-start": #fff, "skin-gradient-end": #fff, "skin-mask-slight": #fff, "skin-mask-light": #fff, "skin-mask-strong": #fff, "skin-sn-child": #fff, "skin-btn-primary": #fff, "skin-btn-secondary": #fff, "skin-btn-default": #fff, "skin-text": #fff ) ), $skins); @import "~ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/mdb";
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