Topic: Alert does not work properly
asked 6 years ago
I tried to implement the Alert too [1][2] in an Error-Handler-class, for displaying unexpected errors.
But it just shows up, after scrolling on the page where the Error occurs or clicking in the page. If I switch off the options of the Alert, just the frame can be seen.
usage of the alert:
Start your code hereimport { ToastService } from 'ng-uikit-pro-standard'; import { ErrorHandler, Injector, Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class GlobalErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler { private_errorTitle='An Error occured'; private_userErrorMessage='Sorry, an Error occured!'; private_options= { enableHtml:false, positionClass:'toast-bottom-right', closeButton:true, tapToDismiss:false, // extendedTimeout: 5000, progressBar:true }; constructor(privateinjector:Injector) { } public handleError(error) { const _toastService=this.injector.get(ToastService); this._errorTitle='An Error occured'; _toastService.error(this._userErrorMessage, this._errorTitle); console.log(error); } } --> where the Error is called: .subscribe( () => { this._finishedExerciseSets.get(block).add(exercise); this._waitForResponse=false; }, err => { this._waitForResponse=false; throw new Error(err); } ); Specifications: Angular-CLI: "6.0.8" Angular-Compiler-CLI: "6.0.7" Typescript: "2.7.2" MDB-Angular-Pro: "6.2.2" NPM: "6.1.0" [1] [2]
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Damian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
Dear ipeak, Could you please provide me the reproduction repository project on which I'll be able to debug your problem? It would help me a lot. Best Regards, Damianipeak pro commented 6 years ago
Dear Damian, it seems I can not send you a private message here, could you please give me your e-mail adress? Best Regards, ipeakDamian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
ipeak, Here you go: Best Regards, Damian