
Start using MDB for free

Switch to a commercial license and start using MDB Pro when your needs grow

MDB Free

MIT license

Top-class frontend libraries integrated with the most popular technologies.

View license

Countless premium components dedicated to professional projects.

View license & request a demo

MIT license for MDB Free

Free packages are available under the MIT License.


  • Free for personal use
  • Free for commercial use
  • No attribution required

Copyright notice

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

The software is provided "As is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited To the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall The authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of Contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other Dealings in the software.

Commercial license for MDB Pro

We offer our clients a business-friendly commercial license tailored to their needs. We also provide full support in both the purchasing and implementation process.

Need a custom license or a demo? Contact us

If you're not interested in a custom ELA license, you can purchase MDB PRO with our standard predefined EULA. Select the technology of your choice:

If you purchase any product directly trough our pricing, our standard EULA will apply.

You can also get a custom license with adjusted terms! The adjustments may include:

  • Extended support scope (i.e. email support, screen sharing, onboarding sessions, on-call devs)
  • Signing an SLA (Service-level agreement)
  • Redistribution (i.e. embedding our tools in your own UI Kit or website builder)
  • Different payment terms (i.e. Net30, Net60, lifetime access)
  • or you can propose other custom licensing arrangements

Organizations with >250 employees OR >$10M annual revenue, are required to get an Enterprise License Agreement (ELA). ELA allows unlimited use of our tools throughout the organization.

In order to provide you with a proper quotation, I need you to specify the following:

  • The number of developers who will need access to MDB PRO code in your project.
  • The preferred technologies (i.e. standard, angular, react, vue)
  • Do you need any custom licensing options? (i.e. Whitelabel, custom support models), or is the predefined EULA license suitable for you?
  • What is the budget & scope of the project? What exactly are you building?
  • Do you need any additional web development services?

Contact us now directly at

End User License Agreement (EULA)


  • You have right to personal use
  • You have right to commercial use
  • No attribution is required
  • You cannot redistribute MDB PRO files in public available spaces (e.g. public GitHub repos)
  • Project number limits & User number limits are defined by the tier you purchased
see pricing request custom license

Paid packages are licensed according to the End User License Agreement (EULA) detailed below. By using products listed below (Product) from StartupFlow s.c. (MDB / MDBootstrap), you agree that this is a legally binding and valid contract and agree to be bound by it. You agree to abide by the intellectual property laws and all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


No attribution required

You are not required to attribute or link to Material Design for Bootstrap in any projects.

Right to personal use

The License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the Product in personal projects, in accordance with the EULA.

Right to commercial use

The License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the Product in commercial projects, in accordance with the EULA.

Right to modification

You may modify the resources according to your requirements.

Right to purchase a chosen module separately

You may purchase a chosen MDB module / plugin or template separately.

Right to create the End Product

You may use the Product to create End Products in accordance with the EULA. The End Product is a customized implementation of the Product requiring an application of skill and effort (f.e. a website build with MDB Template with customized, modified content is an End Product because it requires skill and effort while a website which is literally copy-pasted MDB Template isn't).


End Product usage by the End User

You cannot permit an End User of the End Product to use the Product separately from the End Product. (e.g. Your client can use the website X that you've built for him, but he cannot build another website Y himself using the files installed for the website X.)

Open source redistribution

You cannot redistribute any of the software, or products created with MDB software to repositories like GitHub, where they are publicly available or include into any Open Source projects.

Competing End Products

You cannot use the Product to create any End Products that would compete with the Product itself. (f.e. you cannot use MDB 5 Pro to create a framework, library, design system, template, plugin or a page generator).

User limits

The user limit for a license is specified on the checkout and during the purchase. The license holder (an owner of the mdbootstrap account to which the license is assigned) has a right to allow usage for additional users but not more than the "developer number" specified in the order. The user of the license is defined as a person who will work with & modify MDB components. People who work with the codebase, but don't use/modify the MDB code don't count as users of the license.

Project limits

The project limit for a license is specified on the checkout and during the purchase. The License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive right to create as many End Products as specified in the product tier you have purchased.

Tier limits are as follows:

  • Single module / template / plugin: 1 project
  • Single Use Tier: 1 project
  • Multi Use Tier: 5 projects
  • Essential Tier: Unlimited projects
  • Advanced Tier: Unlimited projects
  • Bundle Tier: Unlimited projects
  • Any Team Tier: Unlimited projects
  • Enterprise orders: Unlimited projects

Usage Rights

You are entitled to use MDB software as long as your subscription is active. We offer subscription periods of 1 year on our website. For enterprises, we are also offering longer subscription periods that are custom quoted. If the subscription is canceled or lapsed, your rights to use the Product will cease.

Unauthorized redistribution

You cannot redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license or offer the Product directly or non-directly to any other third party, without an explicit agreement with StartupFlow s.c.. Learn more about the Reseller Terms.


Premium Support is provided via the official MDB support platform that can be found under the following link:

Support is provided from Monday to Friday, Premium Support tickets are usually answered within 1 workday. Premium Support tickets are guaranteed to be answered by a professional developer from MDB team. Priority Support tickets are always answered first.

Support channels

  • For non-technical queries, please reach out to
  • For technical support, please visit our dedicated support forum.


We reserve the right to make changes to the terms of this license. Any changes will take effect at the start of the next billing period. Customers will be informed of such changes via email. Continuing the subscription after receiving such notification will constitute acceptance of the new terms.


MDB offers multiple products & extensions, that can be purchased in a bundled Tier or separately.

You will find the table of bundle tier contents & retail prices of elements purchased separately on the pricing pages for each technology:


This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Poland.