Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
You can just scroll trough me and marvel at the perfection of this scrollbar, but I'm also full of surprises!
I'm very pretty and I have a pretty blue button, but it contains nothing, only animated waves. I'm a sad, pretty card.
ButtonI'm very pretty and I have a pretty purple button, it contains a link to a Web design & Web development tutorials. I'm a happy, pretty card.
TutorialI'm very pretty and I have a pretty mdb-color button. It' leads to Admin Dashboard building tutorial. I'm a happy, pretty card.
TutorialI'm very pretty and my button let's you download a free UI Kit with pretty, happy cards and over 700+ of other material components!
DownloadWe are some material scrollbars that could help you make your apps and projects even more perfect!
Learn more about us!That's enough for me.
Click on my button to learn more about me!
Click on us if you're interested about learning more or getting our beautiful components for free.
Beeing scrolled by you was a pleasure, I hope I'll see you soon at
Useful assets related to Perfect Scrollbar
Scrollbar Scroll status Smooth scroll Material scrollbars