Please read before submitting requests for
Submit requests to the appropriate municipality
Seekers of building records (e.g., permits, certificates of occupancy, applications, etc.) or flood elevation certificates (ECs) for properties listed in the municipalities listed below should not submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to Beaufort County.
Exception: Seekers of building plans/blueprints regardless of the municipality listed below (e.g., Town of Bluffton), should submit a FOIA request to Beaufort County.
About Elevation Certificates: Elevation Certificates are typically only filed with Beaufort County during the construction process or major renovation of structures located on parcels within Flood Zones “V,” “A” or “B”. Structures in Flood Zone “C” at the time of construction typically would not have ECs on file with the county. Beaufort County does not issue ECs; new ECs can be obtained by hiring a licensed land surveyor, professional engineer, or certified architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information.
Additional Information:
City of Beaufort (property ID number begins with R120 through R123)
Town of Bluffton (property ID number series R610 through R614 and built after 2009)
Town of Hilton Head Island (property ID number series R510 through R553 and built after 1984)
Town of Port Royal (property ID number series R110 through R113)
How to find a property’s ID number: Locate the property’s current ID number on your tax bill or deed, or search Propertymax. It should look like this: R100-001-000-1234-0000. (Note: ID numbers may also start with “M”.)